Success Stories

"I had the pleasure of working with Suhas for over 18 months while he was the UI/UX lead at saasguru. Suhas has an aptitude to understand business processes end to end and bring that into the design of a great user experience. He goes beyond UI/UX to enrich the product development process as an SME/ Business Analyst. Wishing him success in his endeavorus."
"Suhas has the passion to learn, to feel, to create. He is an excellent professional with vast knowledge in User Interface standards. He likes to deliver the concept, the idea behind the things that he creates. He is respectful and able to communicate his ideas and contribute to the organization. He captures the essence of the design and is able to translate all of this into the UX to a really good job. Working with him helped me a lot to improve my imagination and ability to analyze the product modules and flows."
"Suhas is one of the best UX designers I've ever had the opportunity to work with. He always goes above and beyond the original vision, taking the original concept one step further, to help us see the full potential of a feature. He is a strong communicator up and down the workflow, to ensure we're all aligned behind the best possible UX. His strive for more/better outcomes and his ability to quickly adapt to different platforms & end-users, makes him a valuable member of the team."
"Suhas Naik is an exceptionally talented designer and problem solver. He is full of ideas and is constantly improvising things. He always has a simple solution to every complex problem. His open and friendly nature makes it so easy for us to discuss anything with him."
"Suhas is committed towards work with hands on knowledge in the areas of design and design experience."
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Alice Griffin
"Dui vulputate posuere suscipit, dictum eaque, senectus maiores sit, platea minima la rep as libero felis expedita minim, sagittis nec! Voluptate diamlo"
Amanda Wells